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Dawn's first out the Christmas cracker...

The first member of the Shropshire Petals team pulled out the Christmas cracker to spill the goss on how they spend their Christmas...

Meet Dawn 


(Dawn loves her cracker prize and Freda is donning her Christmas hat) 

Buying and wrapping of presents, carols and Christmas decorations, smiles, hugs and greetings, being with people you love.  Always busy in the run up to Christmas. Making name tags at the moment, then all the different jars I have collected over the year will be placed on the wall in the garden with tea lights, ready to light up the small trees down the drive way in the dark nights, I have a secret ingredient to put on my trees to make them sparkle in the candle light. I have chocolates to make along with mince pies etc. Bedrooms to be made ready for the arrival of family. I love every moment of it, not that you would guess. 

With family and friends at home and in Ireland 

Family meal first Saturday of December, Christmas eve fish and chips or curry with the whole family again. Every one helping with the preparation and cooking on Christmas day. Joseph and Mark organising the Christmas quiz, and wearing our latest Christmas jumpers. 

Home cooked ham joint 

Over these last few years , as a family we go off on mass to watch Lord of the rings 


Our Christmas theme at home is to wear a Christmas jumper along with anything else we have, so everyone has got Christmas socks for when we go for our afternoon walk 

Making of the small bundles and the sheaves, which I do enjoy 

I like the baubles, as you can multy task with them throughout the year


Bring on the carols, merry Christmas every one x

Love as always Dawn - SP x x



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