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Flower Of The Month

October! The month of the calendula or marigold flower - a flower that just happens to make up some of our favourite confetti mixes.

This year we've added two new permanent mixes to our confetti collection after a very successful trial period last year. ‘Sunshine Kisses’ and ‘Orange Blossom’ are both made using a mix of cream ‘Icing Sugar’ delphiniums and dried calendula petals. To make ‘Sunshine Kisses’ we add a touch of yellow calendula known as ‘Honey ’B’ and for ‘Orange Blossom’ we use orange ‘Ginger Snap’ calendula petals.


The result is two rich and vibrant confetti mixes that are perfect for this time of year - the golden hues remind us of fallen autumn leaves.

Seeing as October is the month of this lovely little flower (and because we love it so much) we’ve found a few interesting facts about the calendula or marigold flower that you may not know...


1. The name calendula comes from the Latin calendae which means "little calendar" – a name which may stem (pardon the pun) from the fact that they tend to bloom at the start of each month.

2. Calendula flowers are edible and can make an attractive addition to salads and soups – but we prefer to use them for confetti!

3. Calendula was once considered a sacred flower and in India is still placed around the necks of holy statues.



Quite a busy little flower isn’t it? It’s also worth noting that the marigold symbolises both passion and creativity – two very important factors if you’re currently planning your wedding.

Choose one of our calendula confetti mixes in your wedding celebrations for an additional sprinkling of vibrant colour and passion! And don’t forget to send us your photos!

Love as always SP xx



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